Again, there came a long busy week. Because of lack of money I did not play on Tuesday, $ 2.20. But on Thursday, having given up a tempting pizza treat, I paid $15 at the PiStars to have a go of $ 5.50 playing with Poker Texas.
It was a pretty decent game. Have met my adversary twice so far (best regards, Mister Babinich 🙂 – for the second time at the semi-final table – where he got eliminated in the money.
Wild sixes
And I finished on the sixth place, and it was a $ 28 roll. Since everything went so well, I decided to play simultaneously that evening: Late registration for $ 22 PLO hi/lo of 23:35, meanwhile quick registration for $ 2.20 PLO hi/lo at 0:35.
Quick – because in this tournament there is no guaranteed pool, and late registration is possible only for 10 minutes, while in the “more expensive” one it is open for the whole hour.
Somewhere in the middle of the tournament, somewhat familiar avatar appeared at my table: jager 1987. I checked it on TopShark and it turned out that he had recently won a $ 5.50 rebuy PLO8.
I asked him how come he had two accounts on the PiStars. And if he was possibly a clone of Pawel Majewski.
Unfortunately, there was no reply (he was supposedly playing four tournaments, and may have closed down the chat window).
I remembered how one day with an excitement-flushed face I was watching all the way to SundayMillion of a player with the nickname pawelmaj. Then I watched a film showing the elements of this game.
The recently viewed film of Omaha hi/lo is apparently player jager1987.
I insist on obtaining answer, therefore I reiterate the question in public, and I will appreciate your replying on the site:
– is it allowed to have two accounts on the PiStars and play from both?
– is lending your account or avatar to another person allowed?
and: can you possibly do these at the same time?
Regardless of the lack of response, we had to play on.
Several times did wolf (of gold 🙂 try to seize the hunter, and in the end, I was able to shoot him down before the money.
The game was quite peaceful. In the cheaper game, I got busted coming close to the cash register, whereas in the more expensive one, I came – of course the sixth. How could it possibly be any different? 🙂 At that point, the „roll” was $ 128 already. At the final table, exclusive A’s or K’s (in TopShark) did not match my „8” at all 😉
The Great Symultana (Simultaneous Game)
Having built up the „roll” on Friday, I decided to play in a similar way. There was an obstacle, however, as I was starting earlier, and so did not find a suitable pair of tournaments.
I found such a thing instead: $ 4.40 PLO8 and $ 55 PLO8 – not precisely 10x but
I did not turn up my nose at it too much – I couldn’t be too choosy. A little afraid of the „fat guy” – yes, but the principle of the half the „roll” entry fee was preserved : p
At some point, in both tournaments I was number two, and on my way, I met Real Master Champions. First, the Polish grandmaster (AA in shark) under a meaningful nick, Extinuous, who fell victim of shaggy dog, like pawcio’s clone the previous day. And then, there sat down on my left… Well, see yourselves, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Not just merely somebody like talonchick, not any-ordinary-body, but the very true World Champion himself! Well, to tell the truth, vice-champion, but like deputy minister is never addressed “Mr. Deputy Minister”, also Mr. Vice Champion has the right to be addressed with the highest respect ; )
Beat the World Champion!
On meeting such a noble person almost in person 🙂 it is totally out of question to show ill manners. The big dog took seriously the advice of the Polish literary noble, beloved and renown Sir Zagłoba: “This is a Roman soul – he would never feed the enemy”.
Thus, I made attempts a few times with smallblind, but only managed to gain the blinds. And finally, this very hand came:
Allin was thrust by the Master on the turn, had nuts flush draw and low, shaggy dog received with the high straight and the river, typically for the Stars: no draw, and low got ruined. This is how I threw out of the tournament the Vice World Champion. Satisfaction Guaranteed 🙂
Now, money refund at least 🙂 The toll was only for 9 seats paid. I finished eighth – on the table, as usual, always and ever, Aces and 1-2 Kings exclusively, and my unfortunate „eight”.
Let me add that at the final table there were a total of 3 players from Poland.
Pecey, dog and the little star
(apology to the late Zbigniew Herbert, famous Polish poet, hopefully he will forgive me – licentia poetica)
The roll also increased by about $ 120, but it lost weight dramatically on the cash game tables – I had to earn 50 points to reach the „star” level. In the end, I succeeded – they were probably the most expensive points in my „career”.
And at the end, PiStar sent me the following message:
It has been only the second such a star within the last few years. Oh, I would forget – a year ago, I was lucky enough to obtain the “bargain Platinum” as they offered it instead of Silver.
Objectives for the weekend: not to lose everything, to win a satellite, and keep $2.20 for Tuesday – going to Play with PokerTexas.
Best regards, your shaggy dog – or golden wolf as you like it
Mind you, of the very same and one in both, the nickname and avatar 🙂
Czemu po angielsku? Jaki to ma sens? Tłumaczysz do Polaków na polskiej stronie internetowej po angielsku kim był Zbigniew Herbert!
wydaje mi sie , biorac pod uwage ikonke WBC , ze kolega skopiowal swoj wpis z innego bloga ktory zamiescil na potrzebe wspomnianego wbc , nie chcial zeby sie zmarnowal albo cos w tym stylu, no chyba ze wymog maja ze tekst musi byc po ang 🙂 tak czy inaczej, ludowi na dobre to zrobi jak czasami przeczyta cos po angielsku i powtorzy badz pozna nowe slowa
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